Frequently Asked Questions
Scenario 1: Traffic congestion (Customer Mr. X - XX site to XX site data upload slows down)
--Customer Mr. Zhang: Can you help me check the traffic usage from our Beijing site to our Aliyun site? I feel that the data upload is not as fast as usual today.
--Customer Service Engineer Xiaojian: Yes, Roger, Mr. Zhang, please hold on. At present, we can see that the situation is normal, but we found that at 10:00 a.m. or so, there was congestion in the outbound traffic at the Beijing station. We can see that there is an instantaneous increase in traffic from X.X.X.X IP to Y.Y.Y.Y IP, which may be the cause.
--Customer Mr. Zhang: OK, I know, it should be affected by the recent application uploaded by our XXX department. I'll confirm it first and contact you later to help adjust the current QoS settings.
--Customer Service Engineer Xiao Jian: OK, no problem; in addition to similar problems, the follow-up Mr. Zhang can continue to contact us to deal with, but also through the previously provided Portal system to view, locate the problem. Portal login link and your account password has been sent to you, you can log in to try it.
--Mr. Zhang, Customer: Yes, thank you, Ken.
Scenario 2: Customized Alerts (Customer Mr. X - needs to set up customized alerts and push for business network)
--Customer Mr. Lee: Do you have a way for us to set up customized alerts for our business network and push them to us? SMS/WeChat is fine.
--Customer Service Engineer Xiaoheng: Hello, Mr. Li, yes. Last time we sent you the Portal, you can set the resource threshold based on the device/line to trigger the alarm, the way of alarm can be SMS, WeChat public number. You can also check our user manual, encounter problems can always contact me to help oh.
--Mr. Li: Yes, thank you, Heng.
Scenario 3: Temporary Bandwidth Expansion (Customer Mr. X-needs to temporarily expand the bandwidth of XX station to XM as of XX:XX on that day)
--Customer Mr. Yu: Can you temporarily expand the bandwidth of our Shanghai site this afternoon? The demand is 50M, and the speed can be reduced by 18:00 today.
--Customer Service Engineer Xiaozhu: Yes, Mr. Yu. Yes, yes, please wait a moment. We have completed the adjustment here, and Mr. Yu can also conduct a test to verify it.
--Customer Mr. Yu: Yes, I will try. The test is OK, thank you, Xiaozhu.
Scenario 4: A cross-border or foreign trade enterprise wants to interconnect with the domestic network through a cross-border dedicated line, what is the appropriate way to choose?
For the interconnection of overseas Internet leased lines and domestic intranet, it is very expensive to find a domestic carrier, the service quality cannot keep up with it, the outage fault handling is untimely, it cannot provide real-time traffic monitoring, there is no network alarm function, and the bandwidth upgrading is untimely. Huaxia International Internet Platform combines its own resources and those of its partners to provide an integrated Internet acceleration solution for cross-border or foreign trade enterprises with the core objective of customer experience, and it is sufficient to choose Huaxia International Internet Platform's international Internet leased line or SD-WAN acceleration service.
規避 IP 關聯風險
跨境電商平臺為保證公平競爭,嚴禁一個賣家擁有多個店鋪,通過 IP 位址來識別店鋪是否屬於同一賣家。一旦發現多個店鋪使用相同或關聯的 IP 位址,就會判定為 IP 關聯,進而對店鋪進行封店等處罰。所以,跨境店鋪需要搭建獨立的網路環境,避免與其他店鋪的 IP 產生關聯。這就要求網路環境的 IP 純淨度極高,不能被其他跨境店鋪使用過。
VPN 組網
VPN(虛擬私人網路絡)是一種通過公用網絡建立安全、私密連接的技術。工廠只需在每個需要訪問內部網路的設備上安裝 VPN 用戶端,就可以像在同一個局域網內一樣進行通信。這種方式設置簡單,成本較低,還提供了資料加密和身份驗證等安全保障。不過,它的穩定性可能稍弱一些,網路速度也可能受到一定影響。
SD-WAN Networking
SD-WAN(軟體定義廣域網路)組網方案近年來越來越受歡迎。它就像是給工廠組網安了個智慧大腦,能即時監測網路狀況,自動選擇最優路徑,保證生產指令、監控視頻等關鍵資料快速、穩定傳輸。比如,當發現一條鏈路擁堵時,它能立馬切換到暢通的鏈路,確保網路不斷線。而且,SD-WAN 可以同時利用多條網路鏈路,如專線、互聯網、4G/5G 等,讓流量均勻分配,某條鏈路出故障,其他鏈路馬上頂上,可靠性大大提高。此外,它自帶防火牆、VPN 等安全功能,給資料加密,防止資料被竊取或篡改,還能根據不同使用者、設備設置存取權限,安全等級拉滿。
Technical Exchange
1. The headquarter of the apparel company is in Fujian, and the sales network spreads all over the world, foreign employees need to visit the OA of the headquarter, SD-WAN networking can satisfy them, right?
Of course it can. Nowadays, the global network has been generally replaced by SD-WAN networking solutions. The reason is that SD-WAN can be cross-region, cross-border, cross-operator network combination, realize the office system in the global scope of high-quality inter-access. However, in the process of networking, how to achieve the best networking solution to achieve the best experience, but there is a great deal to talk about. For example, whether or not the carriers forming the network are the best local carriers will, to some extent, determine the experience.
Therefore, it is not the enterprise that can provide SD-WAN global networking solution that can come up with the best solution, your company needs to find the enterprise that has the experience of on-the-ground service. A well-known company in China is Huaxia International, which has a good reputation in the industry. First, it has been operating in the field of networking for many years, and has accumulated a wealth of domestic and foreign operator resources; secondly, it is also the industry's leading infrastructure for networking, such as PoP points, Huaxia International has 83 PoP points, which have a solid foundation for the rapid construction and stabilization of enterprise network interconnections, which are the advantages of Huaxia International over other enterprises.
2、Company is a high-tech enterprise and needs high-speed dedicated connection between private cloud and public cloud, how to choose dedicated service provider?
In your company's case, the best way is to choose a good network service provider and upgrade your leased lines with SD-WAN networking solution.
Your company's main demand is "speed", it is recommended to consider the choice of service provider from two aspects: first, the service provider has rich and high-quality communication carriers and public cloud through the cooperation resources; second, the service provider has a stable and wide coverage of PoP points. The combination of the two, basically can realize the high-speed connection between the clouds. At present, to meet these two conditions of the service provider, I am more recognized by Huaxia International, rich in operator resources, and a deep foundation for cooperation. What many people don't know is that Huaxia International now has 83 PoP points around the world, which is an important infrastructure for enterprise WAN interconnection. Specific solutions and modes of operation, your company can consult the consultants of Huaxia International.
3、Foreign trade enterprises have a large team outside the country and want to set up a wide area network with China through cross-border leased lines, what company in China can provide globalized leased line service?
For overseas interconnection lines and domestic organization of WAN, it is necessary to find a network service provider with global interconnection resources. There are a few domestic network service providers that have such resources, and the one that has done a better job is Huaxia International. Two of my friends in the financial and manufacturing industries are working with HHI. Our company is a restaurant chain, the scope of the chain involving stores, food and beverage supply chain, semi-finished products retail and other sectors, is also ready to develop overseas, currently due to the epidemic temporarily suspend the plan, is also intended to cooperate with Huaxia International.